Friday 13 December 2013

TDK Trilogy: Part 1




Witness the journey of a hero who became more than just a man in this amazing voyage of the acclaimed director CHRISTOPHER NOLAN'S   'Caped Crusader' . This Oscar winning film trilogy is considered the best by many and has even been quoted superior to the Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Toy Story and The Godfather trilogies.
I have been a Bale-Nolan Batman fan for over an year and the craze increases each time I see any of these movies. So how many times have I watched these three film? If we sum up all the three together it reached up to 40-50 times. So by this immense expenditure of my time for Batman, I have learnt each and every line of the screenplay, each and every string of the soundtrack, each every action of the characters and each and every face that has registered itself in these three films.  
You must be thinking I am going to review each and every film and going to tell how well the cast and crew performed. No, I am not going to  review it but I am going to write about the impact of this trilogy to me and the society. This will include of the incidents that lead Warner Bros. to make this trilogy and the ones caused by it.
As we are going to talk about a trilogy. I have divide this article into three parts: the Pledge, the Turn and the Prestige.
So lets get started by the Pledge: This part would be a beginning and will give you an idea of the Batman trend, fad enthusiasm or obsession whichever you may choose.....
In my recent trip to London, I visited the BFI IMAX, one of the finest IMAX screens in the world. When I was buying the tickets for Pacific Rim I saw a poster.
This was the Poster, read it completely:

Even I was shocked then surprises then overjoyed and when I saw the date I was devastated.
So the total length of the movie will be 458 minutes(141+152+165)?!?!?! This made me ask the cashier if people did come to see this 8 hour show. What he replied can be understood by the fact that I asked him this question on 16th August 2013 and the tickets were already booked by 13th August 2013.
"So what is the point of keeping this poster if it is houseful", I joked to him, nervously.
This is the craze guys!!
This is the craze cum love cum respect cum addiction to The Dark Knight Trilogy!!!
This was the reason why "The Dark Knight Rises", the conclusion of this trilogy was the most pirated main stream movie of 2012 followed by The Avengers and 21 Jump Street.
Nearly 8.2 Million downloads were recorded by TorrentFreak. Many experts considered this the reason for the loss of another $500mn which would have made this movie third highest grossing movie after Avatar and Titanic.

You may be surprised by the fact that when the Christopher Nolan Indian fans heard about the above, an oath-taking ceremony was held at Bangalore where they pledged never to download illegally any film. Even I was shocked to hear this from my friend.

Christopher Nolan fans are highly mad and crazy. They are plenty too. They relate themselves to his character which is highly illogical given the movies Nolan has made. They live with his movies. So a trend was started by the people and if someone did something unique, something strange and thrilling, they called it Nolanisation.

Another example of the irrationalism of the fans can be understood by the fact that murder threatens were given to the critics who gave a negative verdict to The Dark Knight Rises.

Even I am a crazy Christopher Nolan fan and his movies.
Currently I have a self-made sketch of The Joker (Villain in The Dark Knight)  and Bane (Villain in The Dark Knight Rises) and a lucky charm of the bat emblem given below.


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